I find that to be so true. My children don't just look like me, they also tend to act like me. They are little monkeys. I can talk to them about doing what they should until I'm blue in the face, but in the end it's the way I act that they copy. They see me do good things and then they go and do it, and I have to admit that I've also found them doing not so good things that they have also learned from me. I see character flaws in my children that have opened my eyes to the same character flaws in myself. It is a very humbling experience.
Quite often this issue is the subject of my prayers at night when I lay on my bed thinking over my day. I wonder how I can raise my children to be God-fearing, kind, and generous people when I, the one who is supposed to be teaching them, am so flawed. I realize that it is only with God's help that I can tackle such a daunting task and I pray that He guards their little hearts from my failed attempts.
This is so true...even now, with my sons grown...I look back at things and wish I had been a better example for them to follow...
Good thoughts and very true. For some reason your blog isn't updating in my subscriptions and I keep missing your posts. {sad}
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