Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Ordinary Things

"We are not built for the mountains and the dawns and aesthetic
affinities, those are for moments of inspiration, that is all. We are
built for the valley, for the ordinary stuff we are in, and that is where we
have to prove our mettle."~ Oswald Chamber~

It is so easy to get caught up in wanting big things for our life that we miss the blessings in ordinary things of life. King Solomon of the Old Testament lived his life looking for big things in wisdom, in wealth, and in pleasure but he finally concluded at the end of his life that all is vanity (Ecc. 12:8). Those things, in and of themselves, are not bad, but it is when we are doing what God has purposed for us that we find fulfillment. God does not desire a hero. He desires his people to love and obey Him.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

Matthew 22:37-38 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.

To read more Tuesday In Other Words visit Laurel Wreath Reflections.


Lori said...

Oh amen, God is not looking for heros just ones that have perseverance for him. And don't give up.

Thank you for participating. I am sorry about the Mr. Linky confusion I added your link to the list.


Anonymous said...

2nd Amen, Thanks this encouragement. I'm not a hero. .

I'm in a dark valley right now. I could use your prayers. I am shameless asking everyone I know to lift me up-- I need help in this battle--I'm not doing so well on my own.

Thank you.

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

Great post. My greatest desire is to love and obey him. That's why obedience is better than sacrific.

Blessings to you!!

Denise said...

Such an awesome post.

Heather said...

I like how you tied it into Solomon. He sure did seek happiness in every mountaintop experience that could be found and he never found his elusive happiness, did he? Great reminder to keep focused on God.

eph2810 said...

So true, Melissa. We sometimes reach for lofty goals, but forget about the path He has laid in front of us.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this past week's IOW quote.

Be blessed today and always.